Dalam artikel kali ini saya sudah menyiapkan 15 soal Bahasa Inggris untuk materi "Ability & Willingness" yang merupakan materi pokok kedua di kelas 8. Cobalah kerjakan contoh soal ulangan harian berikut ini sebagai latihan di rumah. Kemudian jangan lupa, periksa apakah jawaban yang kamu pilih sudah benar dengan menonton video pembahasan soal yang telah saya sediakan di akhir artikel ini. Selamat mencoba! - Wordcliff.com
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Ulangan Harian 2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8
Materi Pokok: Ability & Willingness
Part 1: Choose the correct answer! (Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat!)
1.Which of the following is the expression of ability?
a.I will drive the car
b.I can drive a car
c.I drive a car
d.I can’t drive a car
2.Which of the following is theway to ask for someone’swillingness?
a.Will you close the window, please?
b.Can you open this bottle?
c.Will it rain tomorrow?
d.Can you help me?
3.Which of the following is the expression of inability?
a.Farel will play violin tonight
b.Resdi can come to my party
c.Diandra cannot play guitar
d.Sherin isn’t willing to help me
4.Which of the following is the expression of willingness?
a.I’ll help you find your book
b.I will be in Jakarta next week
c.I can fix your bicycle
d.I am helping you right now
5.Which of the following is the expression of unwillingness?
a.No one will understand this lesson
b.I’ll get you some water
c.I will bring this book tomorrow
d.I will not play with you right now
6.What will you say when you want to know someone’s ability?
a.Do you like riding bicycle?
b.Can you ride a bicycle?
c.Is this your bicycle?
d.Which one is your bicycle?
7.What is the correct response to the question “Can you climb a tree?”
a.No, I don’t
b.Yes, I do
c.Yes, I can
d.No, I’m not
8.Which of the following is the best response to the statement “I can’t find my wallet.”?
a.I’ll help you find it
b.I’ll get you some water
c.I’ll turn on the AC
d.I’ll get you some medicine
9.Which of the following is the best response to the statement “I’m so thirsty”?
a.I’ll go and see who it is
b.I’ll repair it for you
c.I’ll help you
d.I’ll get you some water
10.Which of the following is the best response to the statement “My bicycle is broken.”?
a.I’ll repair it for you
b.I’ll help you find it
c.I’ll turn on the light
d.I’ll take you with me
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Chapter 1
Part 2: Write “True” or “False” next to each statement! (Tuliskan “Benar” atau “Salah” di sebelah pernyataan berikut ini!)
Nino: Feni, can you play chess?
Feni: No, I can’t. It’s too difficult.
Nino: What about Scrabble?
Feni: I can, but I don’t like it.
Nino: So, what game do you play?
Feni: I play Snake and Ladder
Nino: Great! Let’s play!
Feni: Okay, let’s do it.
1.Feni can’t play chess.
2.Feni loves to play Scrabble.
3.Nino ask Feni to play Chess.
4.Feni ask Nino to play snake and ladder.
5.Scrabble is difficult.
Bagaimana, mudah kan contoh soalnya? Semoga saja sobat bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan benar ya. Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel ini sampai selesai, semoga saja contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kali ini bisa bermanfaat bagi sobat semua. Sekian dari saya, sampai ketemu lagi di artikel lainnya. Jangan lupa, tonton dan subscribe video berikut ini ya:
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